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About Tompkins PTG

About Tompkins PTG

Caitlin Bradley 
Tompkins PTG President 2024/2025
Katie Vernon
Tompkins PTG Vice President 2024/2025
Tompkins PTG phone number: 661-610-1227
The Tompkins Elementary School Parent Teacher Group is a non-profit group serving the Tompkins school community. We are focused on raising funds and creating fun for all students of Tompkins Elementary. The PTG plans fun and memorable events that help raise funds to provide buses for field trips, reimbursement of teacher supplies, the improvement of school aesthetics, and much more. The Tompkins PTG runs solely on volunteer efforts. Without help from parents like you, we cannot be the best we can be! 
contact us

contact us

Call/Text: 661-610-1227
follow us on social media for events, updates, and  more!

follow us on social media for events, updates, and  more!

Facebook: TompkinsTiger